Creativity Approaches for Sustainability
The seminar provides knowledge on how creativity approaches foster sustainability. It answers questions such as what creativity processes are implied in developing sustainable technologies. How to apply creativity in the creation of sustainable innovations and solutions? How to accelerate pathways to sustainability through creativity?
The seminar focuses on creativity processes to advance sustainability on four levels:
- First, the individual level addresses how individuals’ visions and values motivate creativity in finding sustainability solutions that change for example sustainable consuming behaviors.
- Second, the Community level discusses how the voluntarily creative actions for sustainability are initiated by local social groups.
- Third, the organizational level addresses well-researched and planned creativity solutions created by professionals and executed on the organizational level.
- Fourth, the institutional level indicates how to promote creativity for sustainability on the macro level and integrate its approaches in institutions (e.g., in the education system or policy-making).
The participants will:
- get new perspectives on creativity and creativity approaches.
- be able to link creativity to sustainability in their personal and professional lives.
- be able to use creativity approaches to develop sustainability solutions whether on the technological, social, organizational, or institutional level.
Course Language: English
General information
The course language is English. The number of participants is limited to a maximum of 25 students. Further information on registration, dates etc. can be found here and on StudOn.