Professor Brem is Editor-In-Chief of the International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management (IJITM). He is editing the IJITM together with Peter Bican as Associate Editor.
The main objective of the journal is to develop and promote research on technological innovation. For this, the journal serves as a platform for reporting, sharing as well as exchanging ideas, research findings, industry best practices and recent trends. In particular, the journal focus is on the managerial issues and challenges (and ways to address them) brought about by the increasing pace of technological advancement globally. This international dimension is emphasized in order to promote greater exchange between researchers of different cultural and national background, thus contributing and enriching our knowledge in the fields of innovation and technology management.
The journal encompasses all facets of the process of technological innovation from the conceptualization of new products and processes to their commercial utilization. Especially international and interdisciplinary research is welcome. The topics include management of research and development activities, new product/process development, technology transfer, university-industry collaboration and management of entrepreneurial ventures at strategic and operational levels, in both large organizations, as well as small medium enterprises (SME).
IJITM is indexed by the Emerging Sources Citation Index ESCI (Clarivate), Scopus (Elsevier), Academic OneFile (Gale), cnpLINKer (CNPIEC), EBSCO, ExLibris, Google Scholar, International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), Primo Central, Inspec (Institution of Engineering and Technology), J-Gate, Naver, NSTL – National Science and Technology Libraries, OCLC WorldCat, RePEC as well as The Summon Service. Furthermore, it is listed in leading international indexes, e.g. in the VHB Journal Ranking 2015. In the latest version of the VHB ranking, IJEV is in both relevant areas (Innovation/Entrepreneurship) at level C (upper third).
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