Congratulations, Dr. Guderian!

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The Chair of Technology Management congratulates Dr. Carsten C. Guderian on completing his doctorate as the first doctoral student at the Chair at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg.

In his dissertation entitled “Advanced Patent Analytics: Patent Indicators in Strategic and Intellectual Property Management”, Dr. Guderian demonstrates that patents provide valuable insights for strategic and intellectual property management. However, if patent analytics are based on incomplete data and deficient patent indicators, biased results are inevitable, leading to suboptimal strategic decisions, and, ultimately, an inefficient use of firm resources. To this end, Dr. Guderian shows ways in which such suboptimal decisions can be avoided.

The following two projects, which have already been published in refereed journals and provide first insights into the dissertation:

Dr. Guderian has been Lecturer at the Chair of Technology Management since 2019, where he contributes his extensive expertise in the strategic management of patents and entrepreneurship. He is currently in charge of the VHB Master of Science course “Profiting from Ideas and Inventions: An Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights” and the “Entrepreneurship Tutorial”.

Again: Congratulations from the whole team!